to infuse the intelligence and skills of our professional experts and implement them into the communities for the benefit of mankind

Symposium II

Interdisciplinary Approaches in Promotion of Health and Wellbeing

This symposium will propose five presentations illustrating a great cultural diversity but underlining a common interest on the importance of physical activity as a vehicle of health, quality of life, and wellness. Based on the age of the target populations on which each presenter is focused, the whole lifespan will be covered in a logical order. The first paper will be proposed by Prof. em. Marc Cloes who will describe some examples of initiatives implemented in the French speaking part of Belgium in a way to reinforce the links between school and community. In each project, different actors are involved with pupils/students: physical education teachers, staff members, (grand-) parents, or members of the community. Based on Taiwanese data, Dr. Margaret Jip Kuo will demonstrate in the second paper why nutrition of young female athletes requires proper education and creation of new habits in which qualified dietitians should play a central role to individualize the training follow-up. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Susilo (Universitas Negeri Jakarta) will deliver the third paper and present the findings of a study analyzing the relationships between motivation, physical activity, and health-related variables in Indonesian adolescents practicing pickleball. In the last presentation, Dr. Miranda Sau Lin Chin (Hong Kong) will explain the foundations and implementation of eight series of a specific activity combining martial art and dance and supporting Chinese culture as well as health.

  • Prof. hon. Marc CLOES (Chair)

    Former President, AIESEP
    University of Liege
  • Dr. Miranda Sau Lin CHIN, MFA, MBA; Ed.D.

    Past Vice Chair, Hong Kong Dance Federation Ltd.
    Artistic Director, Miranda Chin Dance Company
    Principal, Danceland School
    Hong Kong-China
  • Assist. Prof. Dr. Margaret Jip KUO

    World Class Judge & Medical & Anti-doping Committee, World Bodybuilding & Physique Fitness Sports Federation (WBPF)
    Hong Kong-China
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. SUSILO

    Faculty of Sports Science
    Universitas Negeri Jakarta
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