to infuse the intelligence and skills of our professional experts and implement them into the communities for the benefit of mankind

About School of Physical Education & Sports

The School of Physical Education & Sports of Henan University was formerly the Department of Physical Education of Kaifeng Normal College, which was founded in 1960. On June 25, 1994, Physical Education College of Henan University was established. In May 2018, the International Football College of Henan University was established and affiliated to the Physical Education College. In July 2018, the former Public Sports Teaching and Research Department was merged into the Physical Education College to form a new Physical Education College. The school began to enroll master's and doctoral students in 1985 and 2005, respectively. In 2018, the school was approved to authorize doctoral degrees in first-level disciplines of physical education, forming a multi-level and multi-form talent training system that combines undergraduates, master's and doctoral students with various types of adult education focusing on training and training of physical education teachers. Henan Province is the earliest established physical education undergraduate major and the earliest training of master, the only training of doctoral students.

With distinctive features in discipline construction, the school is one of the first research-oriented colleges established by Henan University and a first-level key discipline in Henan Province. Currently, it has a postdoctoral research mobile station of physical education, a first-level doctoral degree program of physical education, a first-level doctoral degree program of physical education, a master's degree program of physical education, sports health, sports economics, and a professional master's degree program of physical education. There are four undergraduate majors: physical education, Martial arts and traditional national sports, sports training and dance choreographer (sports dance direction), and enroll high-level athletes in basketball, track and field, martial arts, tennis and football. Among them, physical education is a national specialty, and martial arts and traditional national sports is a provincial specialty. It has been approved to build a sports teacher training base of the Ministry of Education, a key research base of sports social science of the State General Administration of Sport, an academic research base of the Sports Culture Development Center of the State General Administration of Sport, a laboratory of university characteristics and advantages jointly built by the central and local governments, a research center for Campus Football Development in Henan Province, a training base for traditional minority sports in Henan Province, and a track and field coach in Henan Province Judge training base, football coach referee training base in Henan Province, is the national School Sports League (physical education) Henan branch League, Henan Province sports graduate education League chairman unit; More than 40 education practice bases have been built in the State General Administration of Sports, provincial Sports Bureau, local and municipal education Bureau, sports Bureau, colleges and universities, primary and secondary schools.

The School of Physical Education has 144 staff members, including 31 professors and 63 associate professors. 1 distinguished professor of Henan University, 1 young talented person of Henan University; There are 12 doctoral supervisors and more than 80 master supervisors. 48 teachers (including students) with doctoral degree; There are 23 teachers studying abroad. It has 1 member of the National Physical Education Teaching Steering Committee of ordinary colleges and universities, 1 expert of the discipline planning review group of the National Social Science Foundation, 1 person enjoying the government subsidy of The State Council, 1 national excellent teacher, 2 experts in the evaluation of high-level sports teams in colleges and universities of the Ministry of Education, 1 winner of Zeng Xianzi Teacher Education Award, 2 provincial management experts, and 2 provincial famous teachers. There are 2 provincial excellent teachers, 8 provincial young and middle-aged excellent backbone teachers, 7 academic technology leaders of Henan Provincial Department of Education, 1 provincial university social science innovation team, 2 provincial excellent teaching teams, 12 national New sports Award winners, 18 international and national judges.

Promote international exchanges and cooperation, and accelerate the internationalization of schools. The college signed a cooperation framework agreement with the American Sports Institute and conducted all-round negotiations; On the basis of the cooperation framework agreements between Henan University and Belarusian State University of Physical Education and the Russian State University of Physical Education and Tourism, the cooperation between Henan University and the two universities has been progressing smoothly, and substantive cooperation has been carried out in the exchange of students and teachers, postgraduate training and curriculum introduction. At present, more than 60 undergraduate graduates have gone to Belarus State University of Sport and the Russian State University of Sport and Tourism to pursue master's degrees. At the same time, the school selects students to go to Taiwan for research and training every year. In recent years, the college has recruited international students, with 31 doctoral and master's students from Russia, Sri Lanka and other countries, and more than 20 short-term exchange students.

In September, 2017, Henan University was included in the list of “Double First-class” university project, and the construction of physical education discipline would be faced with new opportunities and challenges. The School of Physical Education will continue to uphold the university motto of “to illustrate illustrious virtue; to renovate the people and to rest in the highest excellence”, and the university ethos of “unity, diligence, preciseness and simplicity”, striving to build it into a national first-class and international influential school with distinct features and realize the centennial dream of building a powerful sports country!

School Of Physical Education, Henan University.

Ming lun street, Kaifeng, Henan, 475001, P.R. China

Tel +86 0371-22866474

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