to infuse the intelligence and skills of our professional experts and implement them into the communities for the benefit of mankind

  • 10th Aisa Pacific Conference of Exercise and Sports Sciences (ACPESS 2024 – Kaifeng, China) Abstract Decision Notification

    10th Aisa Pacific Conference of Exercise and Sports Sciences(ACPESS 2024 – Kaifeng, China)Abstract Decision Notification On behalf of Assoc. Prof. Dr. G. Balasekaran, President of the Asian Council of Exercise and Sports Scie...
  • The first meeting of the preparatory work for the 10th Asia Pacific Society of Sport and Exercise Science

    The first meeting of the preparatory work for the 10th Asia Pacific Society of Sport and Exercise ScienceIn order to do a good job in organizing and preparing for the 10th Asia-Pacific Society of Sport and Exercise Science in 2024, the School of Physical Education of Henan University, with President Zhou Ke as the director of the preparatory working group, Vice President Zeng Qingtao as the dep...
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