to infuse the intelligence and skills of our professional experts and implement them into the communities for the benefit of mankind




In the last century, sport has played an increasingly important role in the world’s social, political, economic, cultural, and educational systems. Sports science, which has contributed to the development of sports activities throughout the world, has developed at a phenomenal and impressive rate in the last few decades, in terms of both quantity and quality. In Asia Sports Science has grown and many organizations has played an important role with scientific meetings among countries from all over the world. 83C7AOne such organization is Asian Council of Exercise and Sports Science (ACESS). It has been recognized as an independent academic and professional organization for sports science in Asia for many years.

The Asian Council of Exercise and Sports Science (ACESS) was founded in 1999 by Prof. Dr. Ming-Kai Chin, Emeritus Prof. Dr. Tae Won Jun, Prof. Dr. Mario Imsonand the late Prof Dr. Jasson Chiang to promote communication, interaction, and cooperation among Asian exercise and sports science professionals and students in educational, scientific and research institutions, and to encourage the exploration of issues specific to the Asian regions.

ACESS currently is exploring new paradigms and new perspectives in furtherance of its aims of contributing to the development of exercise and sports science, and to the general improvement of health, fitness, and the quality of life of those living in Asia.

About APCESS 2024

Henan University together with its partners, Asian Council of Exercise and Sports Science (ACESS) and The Foundation for Global Community Health (GCH) is pleased to welcome all keynote speakers, invited speakers, symposium speakers, workshop presenters, Future Leader Volunteers (FLVs) and delegates to the 10th Asia Pacific Conference on Exercise and Sports Science(APCESS 2024-Kaifeng). The 10th APCESS 2024-Kaifeng will be held from 16 to 19 June 2024 and hosted by Henan University, Kaifeng, China. This conference will push the limits of physical education, exercise, and sports science research. Professionals from China and across the globe will be sharing their knowledge and area of expertise in the respective categories. The theme for this year, “Active & Sustainable Community Living: Global Partnerships through Physical Activity, Exercise, and Health Science”, will focus on innovative and creative research ideas and tools to promote a healthy lifestyle and improve sporting performance. This theme is also in conjunction with the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDG), particularly Goal #3 Health and Well-Being and #4 Quality Education. The APCESS 2024-Kaifeng envisions this conference to be enriching, bringing about a variety of theories and boost health through physical activity in the communities.

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