to infuse the intelligence and skills of our professional experts and implement them into the communities for the benefit of mankind

Symposium III

Interdisciplinary Approaches in Promotion of Health and Wellbeing

Interdisciplinary studies in the field of health, well-being and physical activity are increasing day by day. This is natural because man is a being with a connected integrity. Five speakers from five different countries will present at this symposium. The first speaker is Prof. Gıyasettin Demirhan from Turkey. He will share with us "Knowledge, attitude, and behavior of physicians about physical activity recommendations in Turkey". The striking result of the research is that most of the physicians are aware that they do not have enough knowledge about exercise and daily and weekly physical activity recommendations. The second speaker, Assist. Prof. Dr. Juthamard Surapongchai from Thailand will present "The association between oral health and physical fitness". Within the scope of the presentation, she will be explained how oral health problems affect physical activity and quality of life as well as various health problems. The third speaker of the symposium is Prof. Gurmeet Singh from India. He will share with us his presentation titled "Health and wellness through cyclic meditation: An Indian perspective". The emphasis of the presentation is that cyclic meditation improves health and wellness in both normal and athletic people. Our last speaker is Zhaoxia Ding from the People's Republic of China. She will contribute to the symposium with her presentation titled "Pursuit the beauty of moving meditation ~ The arts energetics of Chinese internal martial arts (Tai Ji & Qi Gong) for the holistic Health". The main idea of the presentation emphasising beauty, art and holism; "movements give birth to life and the beauty of Tai Ji & Qi Gong is similar to living wisdom, well-being and happiness." It can be expressed as follows. The contents of these six wonderful presentations are full of information about the need for regular movement at all ages for everyone.

  • Prof. Dr. Gıyasettin DEMIRHAN (Chair)

    Former Dean, Faculty of Sports Sciences
    Hacettepe University
  • Zhaoxia DING

    Founder of “Xia Arts Energetiques Academy”
  • Assist. Prof. Dr. Juthamard SURAPONGCHAI PT, Ph.D.

    Lecturer, Faculty of Physical Therapy
    Mahidol University
  • Prof. Dr. Gurmeet SINGH

    Former Chair and Director of Sports
    Department of Physical Education
    Panjab University- Chandigarh
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