to infuse the intelligence and skills of our professional experts and implement them into the communities for the benefit of mankind

Prof. hon. Marc CLOES (Chair)

2023-12-06 16:02:36

Prof. hon. Marc CLOES (Chair)

Former President, AIESEP

University of Liege


Prof. Dr em. Marc Cloes is an honorary professor. He pursued his career in the Department of Sport and Rehabilitation Sciences at the University of Liège (Belgium) where he led the training of teachers in physical education during almost 20 years. His scientific activity is in the field of sport pedagogy: analysis of the teaching process and educators’ training in the contexts of physical education, physical activity, and sport. His research is based on the integrative model of the teaching-learning process advocating an ecological approach to the educational relationship ( In the school context, he defends an approach that strengthens the role of the physical education teachers as the corner stone of the promotion of an active and healthy lifestyle. He considers that physical education should be more focused on meaningful and integrated approach that will contribute to prepare concrete physically educated citizens. He advocates the implementation of an inclusive quality physical education linked to concepts like physical literacy, societal transfer, accountability as well as the application of the PAMIA principles. Active in several international associations, he chaired the AIESEP (International Association for Physical Education in Higher Education - from 2014 to 2022.

Reinforcing Links between School and Community: Examples from Federation Wallonia-Brussels

The 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) have been identified to transform the world “to greener, more inclusive economies, and stronger, more resilient societies”. Schools are central actors who can contribute to their achievement. It is well admitted that physical education (PE) teachers can play a determining role especially for SDGs 3 (Health) and 4 (Education). They are identified as the cornerstones of the physical activity promotion in the educational context. In a growing number of countries, they are now requested to lead also the health education. On the other hand, their potential actions for other SDG seem less documented. In this presentation, we will focus on SDG 11 (sustainable cities and communities). Our priority will be to identify concrete examples implemented in Federation Wallonia-Brussels. Among those, we will describe (1) the project proposed by a primary school of a green area and consisting in delivering a ‘cyclist’s certificate’ aiming to the acquisition of specific knowledge and competence as well as the discovery of the ‘treasures’ of the region; (2) the collaboration between the ‘Foundation against cancer’ and some schools in the organization of sport events involving the students and focusing their extracurricular life, and; (3) the implementation of intergenerational sessions during which noninstitutionalized seniors weekly attended to physical activities with preschoolers/primary school children. The collaboration of several actors of the community during a continuing professional development initiative for PE teachers will also be described. For some examples, scientific data will be available to reinforce the interest of the projects.

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