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Assoc. Prof. Dr. QingYun Zheng

2024-01-05 15:16:13

 Qing Yun Zheng

Associated Professor, Doctor

Secretary General

Henan University

    Associate Professor Zheng Qingyun, PhD. Main research interests are Study of movement and bone adaptation and molecular mechanism, assessment of human function. During the period of doctoral study, from August 2009 to February 2011, she visited the School of Kinesiology, the University of Michigan in the United States. Since March 2012, I have been working in the School of Physical Education and Sports, Henan University and obtained the title of associate professor. In January 2013, she entered the postdoctoral research station of the School of Life Science, East China Normal University and engaged in the research of exercise and bone health promotion. From November 2019 to November 2020, she was funded by the China Scholarship Council, and spent one year as an exchange visiting sscholar in the Institute of Orthopedics and Surgery of the University of Michigan Medical School. She teaches the following courses as: Exercise and Skeletal muscle Health (graduate), Exercise and bone health promotion (graduate), Exercise physiology (undergraduate), Exercise Anatomy (undergraduate). The main scientific research achievements are: (1) Qingyun Zheng; Thomas Kernozek;  Adam DaoudGray;  Katarina Borer ;  Anabolic Bone Stimulus Requires a PreExercise Meal and 45Minute Walking Impulse of Suprathreshold SpeedEnhanced  Momentum to Prevent or Mitigate Postmenopausal Osteoporosis within Circadian Constraints, Nutrients , 2021, 13(11):  3727-3748 (journal articles); (2) Borer, Katarina T.;  Zheng, Qingyun;  Jafari, Akram;  Javadi, Saba;  Kernozek, Thomas ;  Nutrient Intake Prior to Exercise Is Necessary for Increased Osteogenic Marker Response in Diabetic Postmenopausal  Women, Nutrients, 2019, 11(7): 1494-1515 (Journal papers); (3) QingYun Zheng;  Thomas W. Kernozek;  Katarina T. Borer;  Adam I. Daoud;  M. Melissa Gross ;  Morning Downhill Exercise Reduces Bone-resorption Marker After Midday, But Not After Morning, Meal.,  Journal is not defined within the JOURNAL database., 2019, 51(6s): 683-683 (Journal papers); (4) Katarina Borer;  QingYun Zheng;  Akram Jafari;  Caroline Richardson;  Saba Javadi;  Thomas Kernozek ;  SUN-538 Osteogenic Markers in Postmenopausal Diabetics Respond to Higher Mechanical Loading during Exercise after Rather Than before the Meals, Journal of the Endocrine Society, 2019(journal papers); (5) Bo, B.;  Zhou, Y.;  Zheng, Q.; Wang, G.;  Zhou, K.;  Wei, J. The Molecular Mechanisms Associated with Aerobic Exercise-Induced Cardiac Regeneration. Biomolecules, 2021, 11,  (19); (6) Zheng Qingyun; Li Shichang; Ma Tao. Effects of longitudinal jump on bone mineral density and biochemical indexes of bone metabolism in growing rats, Science of Sports and Sports, 2008, 28(8): 45-49; (7)“Effects of Mechanical loading and Hormones on Exercise Preventing Diabetic Osteoporosis in Postmenopausal Women with Type 2 Diabetes "The Oral Presentation, ICSEMIS 2012; (8)“Facilitation of osteogenic bone marker release in postmenopausal women by single rather than spaced mechanical  loading or by anabolic hormone release "Endocrinology Reviews, 2011;

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