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Prof. Dr. Gao-Xia WEI

2024-02-02 10:30:09

Prof. Dr. Gao-Xia WEI

CAS Key Laboratory of Behavioral Science

Institute of Psychology

Department of Psychology

University of Chinese Academy of Sciences


Prof. Dr. Gao-Xia WEI is a full professor at Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. She is a doctoral supervisor at both Sino-Danish College and Institute of Psychology in University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS). She received Ph.D from Beijing Sports University and her interest is focused on cognitive neuroscience in sports and exercise. Her interest is focused on the association between exercise behavior, brain plasticity and health. As principle investigator, she was funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China, China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Commission and Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Moreover, she obtained the first prize of Science & technology Development/Achievement of the Ministry of Education as well as the second prize of Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Achievement. She published above 80 publications indexed by SCI, SSCI and CSSCI/CSCD. She is also the corresponding reviewer of NSFC project, international journal reviewers on psychology and neuroscience as well as the associate editor in Frontiers in Psychology and review editor in Frontiers in Neuroscience.

New Era for Sports and Exercise Neuroscience

With the development of brain imaging techniques, sports and exercise cognitive neuroscience has rapidly transitioned to a new stage under the influence of embodied cognition theory. In this talk, we reviewed this important trend by demonstrating these focused topics with combination of multiple brain imaging techniques. Both exercise and sports training could bring about extensive alterations in brain structure and function. These behaviors not only affect the individual’s adaptive behavior, improve action observation and anticipation, optimize motor imagery, enhance decision-making, and prompt perfect motor performance, but also help individuals improve attention, memory, and inhibitory control and other cognitive abilities, alleviate negative emotions, enhance physical and mental health. They have played an important role in preventing the occurrence of diseases, maintaining brain health, and treating brain diseases. Future investigation in this field should fully account for the complex characteristics of the brain. When providing interpretations for inconsistent or diverse findings, individual differences should be involved. Additionally, it is necessary to consider the role of the body as one part of mind and brain. Finally, in the era of data science, we should follow the roadmap of open science with great emphasis on the application of AI and digitization in this field in the future.

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