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2023-12-13 14:32:19


Senior Lecturer and Department Chairperson

Department of Sports Science and Coaching

Faculty of Applied Science

National University of Science and Technology


Dr. Daga Makaza is senior lecturer in the Department of Sports Science and Coaching, Faculty of Applied Science at the National University of Science and Technology (NUST) in Zimbabwe. He is the coordinator of the Health and Wellness Research Group under the Research and Internationalization Office at NUST. He has been the project leader for four major national surveys on youth and children: Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices Survey: Olympism in Zimbabwe, 2012 and the Zimbabwe Nestle Healthy Kids Survey, 2015. Dr Makaza is leading 2 currently running national surveys for the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education: A School-Based  Learners’ Nutrition, Physical Fitness and Physical Activity Profiles Study: NPFPA study and  Learners’ Nutrition, Physical Fitness and Lifestyle Behaviors Profiles: NPFLBF study. He has contributed on the Physical Education syllabus development national panel for the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education from 2017 to date. Dr. Makaza is an active member of the Foundation of Global Community Health (GCH) as a scientific advisor. He played a major role in the signing of an MOU between GCH and NUST. He is currently co-leading Active Healthy Kids Zimbabwe (AHKZ). He is a Level 3 ISAK member and has coordinated 3 ISAK courses conducted in Zimbabwe.  His research interests include Nutrition and Physical Activity, Kinanthropometry and ICT Pedagogy. Dr. Makaza has published in peer reviewed journals and has presented at several local and international conferences.

Profiling Nutritional Status, Physical Fitness and Physical Activity of Zimbabwean Children and Youth: Opportunities and Challenges

Public health surveillance on nutritional status, physical fitness and physical activity of children and youth gives specific data used for planning, and implementation of public health practices. Limited research has been done on nutritional status, physical fitness and physical activity of Zimbabwean children. This presentation gives an overview of research based profiles of the nutritional status, physical fitness and physical activity of Zimbabnwean children and highlights opportunities and challenges for their promotion. The presentation draws from existing research, including national surveys, relevant policy documents and national initiatives. The studies include the Nutritional Status and Physical Fitness Profiles, Knowledge, Attitudes, Nutritional and Physical Activity Practices of Zimbabwean Primary School Children: The Zimbabwe Baseline Study (Nestle Project), A School-Based  Learners’ Nutrition, Physical Fitness and Physical Activity Profiles Study: NPFPA study and  Learners’ Nutrition, Physical Fitness and Lifestyle Behaviors Profiles: NPFLBF study and Results From Zimbabwe’s  Report Cards on Physical Activity for 2016, 2018 and 2022. Most of the learners have healthy weight and are growing normally showing healthy cardiorespiratory fitness. The majority do not meet the WHO guidelines of hours of physical activity and displayed moderate and low levels of physical activity. The majority use active transport to school. Opportunities include school based interventions, community based initiatives, technology based interventions and policy and advocacy. Challenges include limited funding, lack of trained personnel, cultural barriers and data limitations. Profiling provides valuable insights into the health and well-being of Zimbabwean children and youth. Recognizing both opportunities and challenges is crucial to developing effective and sustainable interventions. By leveraging global partnerships, utilizing innovative approaches, and addressing existing challenges, stakeholders can create a supportive environment that encourages active and healthy lifestyles for all children and youth in Zimbabwe, contributing to the achievement of UNSDG 17 and a more sustainable future.

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