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Assoc.Prof.Dr.Branislav ANTALA

2023-10-13 02:20:45

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Branislav ANTALA

FIEP World Vice-President

Comenius University in Bratislava


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Branislav Antala is presently working in position of Assoc. Prof. in Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia. He is also Meritorious professor in University of Zagreb, Croatia and Visiting professor on Beijing Sport University, China. His area of specialization is Sport and PE Pedagogy and Sport management. He is a Member of the Editorial Boards of 15 international journals egg. PE and Sport (Slovakia), Kinesiology (Croatia), FIEP Bulletin (Brazil), Montenegrin Journal of Sport Sciences and Medicine (Montenegro), PE and Sport through the Centuries (Serbia). In Slovakia he is member of State Commission for PE on National Institute for Education and Youth and many years he was member of Curriculum Council of Ministry of Education of Slovak Republic. He is World International Vice-president of International Federation of Physical and Sport Education (FIEPS), FIEPS Europe Advisor, past member of Executive board of International Council of Sport Science and Physical Education (ICSSPE), past Chair of International Committee of Sport Pedagogy (ICSP). He is coordinator of national & international research projects including ERASMUS + projects. He is a recipient of many international awards for contribution on development of PE in the world.

Quality Physical Education and Tandem Teaching in Slovak Active Schools for Sustainable Community Living

Physical inactivity is today big problem with significant related health, economic and social consequences. To achieve the goal of people to be more active due the recommendations of WHO from 2018 will require implementing a combination of effective policy actions organised around these strategic areas: creating an active society; creating active environments; creating active lives and creating active systems. These four strategic areas influence creating of important subsystem and it is “Active school”. Quality Physical Education as a part of Active school is influenced by internal and external factors. Tandem teaching is a form of management of the teaching process in which the process is conducted simultaneously by two educators, and which is implemented mainly in the first years of elementary school. In physical education, it can be the general teacher in cooperation with PE teacher or the coach. Both are actively involved in teaching and have clearly divided competences. Examples of tandem teaching in Slovakia are projects “Modules” and "Coaches in School", programs implemented in Slovak primary schools in the 1st, 2nd and 3th grades from the 2020/2021 school year. The programs, made up of varied movement activities from various sports, create a relationship with movement activity and the student acquires basic movement habits. The programs are under the auspices of the Slovak government's representative for youth and sports and the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the SR. In the 2022/2023 school year, 192 schools, 950 classes, 22 000 children, and 150 trained coaches are involved for example in the program “Coaches in School”. The study is supported by VEGA Agency of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the SR with number 1/0213/23 and title “Tandem Teaching of Physical and Sports Education in Primary School and its Impact to Motor, Cognitive and Emotional Development of Pupils". 

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