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2024-01-07 15:10:59

Prof. Dr. Myriam GUERRA-BALIC, MD, PhD


University Ramon Llull


Prof. Dr. Myriam Guerra-Balic is a full professor in the Faculty of Psychology, Education and Sport Sciences–Blanquerna (FPCEE-Blanquerna), University Ramon Llull (URL). She is a MD specialized in Sport Medicine, with a PhD developed on Exercise Physiology and Down Syndrome. She is the Head of the Department on Sport Sciences and Sport Management. She was the Vice-Dean of International Relations for nine years at the FPCEE-Blanquerna coordinating national and international exchange programs, cooperation programs and research mobility for students and professors. She has also been a member of the International Relations Committee of the ACSM. She has received the ACSM Student Award (2000) and the ACSM Dr. Lisa Stroud Krivickas Clinician Scholar Award (2015). She has taught as international visitor professor in several countries from Europe, North America, South America, Asia and Africa. She has been developing her career as a professor and researcher for more than 30 years in the field of Health, Adapted Physical Activity and Adapted Sport, especially focused on children, adults and elderly with Intellectual Disabilities. She collaborates with the Health Agency of the Barcelona’s City Council, with the Fundación Iberoamericana Down21, and she is also involved in the HYPOXSPORT network. At present she is member of the Board of Directors of the Foundation for Global Community Health.

Physical Activity and Exercise in Persons with Down Syndrome

Adapted physical activity refers to a multidisciplinary knowledge focused on the identification and solutions of the individual differences during physical activity (PA). It includes physical education, sport, leisure, dance, nutrition, between others. Down syndrome (DS) is defined as a genetic disorder of chromosome 21, which causes developmental and neurological disorders including intellectual disability, deficit of muscle tone and increased flexibility, as well as physical and physiological peculiarities. Due to DS characteristics, it is important to consider in this population several aspects, as they present some disorders of the following systems: nervous system (coordination), cardiovascular system (chronotropic incompetence), locomotor skills, oral and pharynx structures (communication). Due to its intellectual disability, it is important to consider the understanding level, attention deficit, comfort, and motivation level. Benefits of PA have been well shown, being one of the main components for health and wellbeing. Moreover, it has also been stated that exercise has effects on brain plasticity, improving cognitive and emotional aspects. A recent systematic review has referred that there is a positive impact of PA on the cardio-metabolic profile, strength, and aerobic capacity in persons with DS, all of them components of health-related fitness. But usually, persons with DS present a sedentary behavior and are inactive due to several barriers: socio-economic level, low autonomy, institutionalization, lack of motivation and movement limitations. That is why promoting PA in DS population is so necessary, because it would improve not only their functionality and fitness levels, but also produce cognitive and social benefits. So, in this presentation, some recommendations will be shown for training people with DS in a safety way. We must get more people, more active, during more time.

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