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Prof.Dr.Ke ZHOU

2023-10-13 02:11:03

Prof. Dr. Ke ZHOU

Dean, School of Physical Education & Sports

Henan University


Prof. Dr. Ke Zhou received Master and Docter degree in Physical Education and Sports Training from Henan University,China. He completed his Postdoctor research in The University of Texas at Austin,USA. Dr. Zhou's research interests lie in the field of Development of physical education teachers and adolescence health promotion. He has published 11 academic monographs, which includes textbooks on PE curriculum of primary and middle school and translated two books. Almost 60 papers were published in professional journals such as Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, Journal of Teaching in Physical Education,China Sport Science and Journal of the Chinese Society of Education. Also, Dr. Zhou has given over 30 invited presentations at conferences which were organized by International Council of Sport Science and Physical Education,Society of Health and Physical Educator and Chinese Sport Science Society.

From Policy to Practice: The Action of Adolescent Health Promotion in China

At present, the decline of adolescents' physical fitness has become a global problem. For a long time, the physical health of adolescents has been an important issue of our government's attention, and the relevant departments have given considerable policy attention to the physical health of adolescents. In the long-term practice and exploration of adolescent physical health promotion, China has gradually found adolescent health intervention strategies that were suitable for its national conditions, and achieved positive results. (1) Support the establishment of youth sports clubs in primary and secondary schools, and encourage social sources to support the construction of youth sports clubs. Taking Beijing as an example, 144 youth sports clubs have been established in 14 districts, covering track and field, football, basketball, table tennis, fitness, taekwondo, roller skating and other sports. At the same time, the ministry of education promotes the formulation of subsidy policies such as the calculation of class hours and workload of physical education teachers in organizing physical activities off campus. (2) Physical education subjects will be included in the scope of junior and senior high school academic level examination, and be included in the scoring subjects of senior high school entrance examination, so as to gradually improve the score proportion of physical education examination. On December 27, 2019, the Education Department of Yunnan Province issued the “Implementation Opinions on Further Deepening the Reform of The Examination and Enrolment System of High School”, which raised the amount of score of physical education examination to 100 points, of which 60 points were qualified in the physical fitness monitoring; Sports and skills test accounted for 40 points; the physical education examination is organized once every academic year, and the three-year weighted total score is added in the total score of high school enrolment. (3) The system of full-time and part-time coaches should be set up in primary and secondary schools to clarify the professional title evaluation and career development space of coaches. Coaches are the key to develop the high-level sports teams in schools. Providing more physical education teachers with systematic training, excellent retired athletes can be in the position of coaches and physical education teachers through the way of first entry and later training, so as to provide channels for retired excellent athletes and sports system coaches to teach in schools.

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