to infuse the intelligence and skills of our professional experts and implement them into the communities for the benefit of mankind

Dr. Zornitza MLADENOVA

2023-12-06 17:29:02

Dr. Zornitza MLADENOVA

Senior Young Leader(SYL)

President, Association of Touristic Animators


Dr. Zornitza Mladenova is a Senior Future Leader included in the program of the Foundation for Global Community Health (GCH), She is the representative for Bulgaria of the First Global School Educational Program based on the UN Sustainable Development Goals supported by GCH and HOPSports Inc., Dr. Mladenova holds a Ph.D. degree in Sport Science, Physical Education, and Sports Tourism from the National Sports Academy “Vassil Levski”. She has completed her postgraduate education in Economy and Management of Tourism at the University of National and World Economy, Sofia, Bulgaria. As a President of the Commission for the Development of Student Sport in Bulgaria, she has been a Chair of the Organizing Committee (OC) and Founder of the First National Student Summer and Winter Games (since 2008). She has over 15 years of experience organizing and conducting research and practical implementation in sports tourism, special events, and digital marketing and communications, wellness, and public health. Special emphasis in her practical and scientific work is given to: implementation of the digital platform of HOPSports Brain Breaks® Physical Activity Solutions and investigation of the impact of the digital learning and teaching in the area of physical activities, mental health, and wellbeing. She is the author of more than 20 scientific papers published in international journals. As a member of the “Future Leader Program,” she was a part of Organizing Committees in ICPESS 2015 – Indonesia, ACPESS 2015 - India, GoFPEP 2016 – Turkey, ICSPHW 2016 – Philippines, BRICSCESS 2017, Brazil, ICPESS 2018 – Turkey, SEAGSC 2019 & ACPESS 2019 – South Africa, WWSSSM, 2020 – India & Saudi Arabia, and ICPESS 2021 – Indonesia. She participated as a keynote speaker and lecturer in more than 30 international scientific conferences around the world.

The Power of Women in the 21st Century

Women of today's era are much different than historical women. A woman of the 21st century is consumed with multiple obligations, duties, and responsibilities daily sometimes all at once. According the “Women in politics: 2021” map, created by the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) and UN Women, despite increases in the number of women at the highest levels of political power, widespread gender inequalities persist. According to UNESCO Institute for Statistics data, less than 30% of the world’s researchers are women. UNESCO chief Audrey Azoulay observed that “even today, in the 21st century, women and girls are being sidelined in science-related fields due to their gender.” Scientific research is one of the most important vectors in the development process of the knowledge society and a driving force for development. Regarding the Sustainability Strategy of IOC “fostering gender equality and strengthening women`s empowerment in and through sport is also at the core of the mission of IOC.” Women diplomats can play a key role in promoting and facilitating a dialogue process between people belonging to different cultures, religions, and ethnicities. In line with the SDG`s we initiated the international project THE POWER OF WOMEN IN THE 21ST CENTURY. The main goal of the project is to reveal the role of the contemporary women around the world in 5 directions: diplomacy, politics, business, science, culture and sport. Our task is to present the good practices worldwide and to encourage the young generation especially the young women and girls to be a completive personality. The main issue is how to overcome the gender equality in the over mentioned areas?

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