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Khanyile DLAMINI

2023-12-06 17:26:19

Khanyile DLAMINI, Msc

GCH Ambassador (GCHA)

Ph.D. Student

Lecturer, Department of Sports Science and Coaching

National University of Science and Technology


Zimbabwean Women’s Health and Physical Activity: A Call for Action

The prevalence of non-communicable diseases is rising in low and middle-income countries (LMICs) such as Zimbabwe yet, research on the risk factors associated with overweight and obesity among women in the country is scarce, and limited effort has been invested towards addressing this. This study will employ a mixed-methods approach, combining quantitative and qualitative data to comprehensively understand the relationship between physical activity and women's health in Zimbabwe. The quantitative phase will involve a cross-sectional survey of 500 women aged 18-65 years across diverse socioeconomic backgrounds. The survey will collect data on demographics, physical activity levels, self-reported health outcomes. In the qualitative phase 20 in-depth interviews will be conducted with women from the survey population, exploring their experiences, perceptions and Barriers to participation in Physical activity. Findings will be triangulated to provide a holistic understanding of the complex relationship between physical activity and women's health in Zimbabwe, providing evidence to direct policy-makers and other stakeholders collaborate and tailor interventions that come up with best practice and sustainable solutions that enhance Zimbabwean Women’s Health.

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