10th APCESS 2024-Kaifeng Henan,China
Date: 16-19 June 2024

Active & Sustainable Community Living: Global Partnerships through Physical Activity, Exercise, and Health Science

School of Physical Education, Henan University, Kaifeng, Henan Province, China

Abstract Submission: 
acesseb@gmail.com(for International Delegates)
apcess2024@henu.edu.cn(for Domestic Delegates)

Organized by:

School of Physical Education, Henan University, Asian Council for Exercise and Sports Science (ACESS) and Foundation For Global Community Health (GCH)
Welcome Message from President, ACESS, 10th APCESS 2024 in Kaifeng


Assoc. Prof. Dr. G. Balasekaran

President, Asian Council of Exercise & Sports Science (ACESS)

On behalf of my Asian Council of Exercise and Sports Science (ACESS) executive board members; International Adviser, Prof Ming-Kai Chin; Dean and Chairman, Prof. Dr. Dachao Zhang; and Vice Dean and Secretary General of the Organizing Committee, Prof. Dr. Ke Zhou, we would like to warmly welcome all of you to the 10th Asian Pacific Conference of Exercise and Sports Science (APCESS) 2024 in Kaifeng, China.

ACESS was founded in 1999 and has been actively organizing biannual scientific APCESS conferences with its partners since it’s official establishment in 2001. The 9th APCESS was hosted and held in Clarke, Philippines in 2019. Currently the 10th APCESS 2024 is organized by the School of Physical Education, Henan University and will be hosted in Kaifeng, China, in partnership with The Foundation for Global Community Health (GCH).

Over the years, ACESS has progressively shaped its global philosophies and intentions to bring about our involvement in the world area of physical education and sports science into APCESS conferences. The conferences’ keynote speakers, invited speakers, symposium speakers, workshop presenters and Future Leader Volunteers (FLVs) are experts in their respective areas of expertise from various well-represented countries across the globe. The 10th APCESS 2024-Kaifeng adopts a similar approach in presenting this year’s theme, “Active & Sustainable Community Living: Global Partnerships through Physical Activity, Exercise, and Health Science”, which focuses on original and productive research ideas and tools to promote a healthy lifestyle. These research ideas and tools are consistently aligned to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDG), which are particularly linked to UNSDG #3 Health and Well-Being, #4 Quality Education, and #11 Sustainable Cities and Communities (Smart cities).

There is always a constant need to involve the community and professionals in physical education, holistic health, sports science, and human sports performance. Our vision is to infuse the intelligence and skills of our professional experts and implement them into the communities for the benefit of mankind. I hope that the 10th APCESS conference will provide international perspective, tools, and ideas for implementation in your own communities.

Do also take time to enjoy the beautiful culture, ancient, and historical sites in Kaifeng, China. May all of you have a healthy, strong, and peaceful time ahead.

I look forward to seeing all of you in the ancient city of Kaifeng, China in June 2024.

Welcome Message from Executive Committee of 10th APCESS 2024-Kaifeng and Vice President of Henan University


Prof. Dr. Shenglei Fu

Vice President, Henan University

Distinguished Guests, Dear Friends,

On behalf of the faculty and students of Henan University, Prof. Dr. G. Bala, President of the Asian Council for Exercise and Sport Science (ACESS), and Prof. Ming Kai Chin, International Advisor, I would like to welcome you to the 10th Asian Council for Exercise and Sport Science (APCESS 2024) to be held in Kaifeng, China from 16-19 June 2024.

Thanks for the trust to Henan University from Dr. G. Bala, President of the Asian Council of Sport and Sport Science (ACESS), and Professor Ming Kai Chin, Advisor. We are honored to be the host of the 10th Asia-Pacific conference for Exercise and Sport Science (APCESS 2024).

Henan University was founded in 1912 as Henan Preparatory School for Studying Abroad in the United States. In 1942, it was upgraded to National Henan University. In October 2008, the university entered the ranks of universities jointly built by the Henan province and Ministry of Education. In September 2017, Henan University was selected into the list of "double first-class" construction universities. After 112 years of development, Henan University now has three campuses in Minglun, Jinming and Zhengzhou. Minglun and Jinming campuses are located in Kaifeng, the famous historic and cultural city of eight dynasties, immersed in the splendid Song Dynasty culture. The Zhengzhou Campus is located in Zhengzhou. With the construction and development of "double first-class universities", the construction of School physical education subject has ushered in new opportunities for development. With the support of national leaders and experts at all levels, Professor G. Bala, President of the Asian Council of Sport and Exercise Science (ACESS), and Professor Ming Kai Chin, international consultant, Henan University will make concerted efforts to host the 10th Asia-Pacific Conference on Sport and Sport Science (APCESS 2024) and provide quality services to all experts and scholars attending the conference.

Henan University is a multi-disciplinary comprehensive university with a long history of exchanges and cooperation between China and other countries. We believe that through the APCESS 2024 platform, the participating experts will be able to achieve cross-disciplinary and cross-field exchanges and cooperation, and jointly discuss important issues in the field of sustainable health. The collision produces a wealth of innovative ideas and industry solutions, explores new possibilities for the development of sports science, and provides useful enlightenment for related fields.

I wish this meeting a complete success. Thank you again for your presence and support! Wish you a pleasant and unforgettable stay here!

Thank you!

Welcome Message from International Adviser, ACESS, 10th APCESS 2024 in Kaifeng


Prof. Dr. Ming-Kai CHIN

Founder & President of The Foundation for Global Community Health (GCH)
Honorary International Advisor of APCESS-2024
Hong Kong-China/USA

As the International Adviser and one of the four Founders, President & Founder & of The Foundation for Global Community Health (GCH), on behalf of Assoc. Prof. Dr. G. Bala, President of the Asian Council of Exercise and Sports Science (ACESS) and Prof. Dr. Ke Zhou, Dean and Chairman of the Organizing Committee, it is my great pleasure and honor to invite you to participate in the 10th Asian Pacific Conference of Exercise and Sports Science (APCESS) 2024-Kaifeng, China.

APCESS is an official biannual scientific conference of ACESS since the establishment of the association in 2001. The previous nine conferences were held in the following countries and regions: Seoul, Korea; Manila and Angeles City, Philippines; Hiroshima, Japan; Kota Bharu, Malaysia; Shanghai, China; Taipei, Chinese Taipei, New Delhi, India and Bangkok, Thailand. The past conferences’ attendance ranged from 300-700 participants with representatives from 20-35 countries.

The 10th APCESS 2024-Kaifeng is being organized by the School of Physical Education, Henan University and ACESS in partnership with The Foundation for Global Community Health (GCH) in the city of Kaifeng, China from 16-19 June 2024 with the theme “Active & Sustainable Community Living: Global Partnerships through Physical Activity, Exercise, and Health Science”. The Conference’s focus is to develop co-operation of various interdisciplinary approaches for promotion of holistic health with linkage to UNSDG 17, especially in relationship to goal #3 Health and Well-Being, #4 Quality Education, and #11 Sustainable Cities and Communities (Smart cities). Six keynote speakers, four invited speakers, six symposiums with 4 to 5 presenters in each symposium, and 10 GCH Senior Young Leaders (GCHSYL), GCH Future Leaders (GCHFL) and GCH Ambassador (GCHA) oral presenters in this conference. The confirmed speakers, symposium presenters and FLV oral presenters (approx.52) will come from 26 countries/regions: Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Hong Kong-China, Ethiopia, India, Israel, Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, Nigeria, Paraguay, Philippines, Republic of North Macedonia, Singapore, Slovakia, South Africa, Spain, Thailand, Turkey, USA, and Zimbabwe.

The theme “Active & Sustainable Community Living: Global Partnerships through Physical Activity, Exercise, and Health Science” is timely because of the difficult times the world faces with the coronavirus pandemic. The UNSDG Goal #3 - Health and Well Being confirms the importance of active living through the support of exercise and sports science utilizing innovation and sustainability. An emerging and continuing need exists to adopt inter-disciplinary approaches, bringing holistic theories to practice to create a healthy community.

This three- and half-day conference is designed to be action-packed with ideas, innovations, and multiple-interaction periods with professionals and colleagues from around the world. I have no doubt in my mind that the fine tradition of academic excellence, creativity, and global perspective, recognized as the hallmark of APCESS will continue and be extended to all attendees in Kaifeng, China.

While in Kaifeng, take time to visit the many historical sites as Kaifeng is one of the Eight Ancient Capitals of China and has been China’s capital at seven different times in history. Enjoy a relaxing dinner or tea at Kaifeng’s Street cafes which turn into restaurants during the famous night market. We are confident that the warmth and hospitality of the Chinese people and their ancient culture will be felt by all and will reflect, define, and enrich your APCESS 2024 experience.

I am looking forward to personal greeting you in the ancient city of Kaifeng, China in June 2024.

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