to infuse the intelligence and skills of our professional experts and implement them into the communities for the benefit of mankind

Symposium VI

Interdisciplinary Approaches in Promotion of Health and Wellbeing

The WHO Global Plan on Physical Activity 2018 -2030 entitled “More people active for a healthier world aims to achieve a 15% reduction in physical inactivity by 2025. This requires interdisciplinary approach involving sport scientists from different disciplines working collaborative to improve health and wellbeing through physical activity and sport. This symposium highlights a prominent role of technology and exercise in the promotion of healthy lifestyles. The first talk “Contemporary perspectives of sport-specific and fitness-oriented core performance testing”  delivered by Prof. Dr. Erika Zemková will deal with core stability and core strength tests in assessing overall physical performance and predicting back problems associated with spine overloading. The second presentation “The use of music for enhancing physical activity, sports and health: a new direction“ by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Garry Kuan, PhD, DBA will summarize findings of his research focused on the use of innovative methods incorporating music for enhancement of sport performance. This speaker will also discuss about technologies used for helping Malaysian national athletes to achieve success in the international sporting events. The third presentation entitled “Profiling nutritional status, physical fitness and physical activity of Zimbabwean children and youth: opportunities and challenges” by Dr. Daga Makaza will present an overview of research, including national surveys, relevant policy documents and national initiatives, on the nutritional status, physical fitness and physical activity of Zimbabnwean children and highlights opportunities and challenges for their promotion. The fourth presentation “New era for sports and exercise neuroscience” by Prof. Dr. Gao-Xia Wei will cover the role of multiple brain imaging techniques in improving physical and meantal health. The next lecture by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yulia Gushchina entitled “Chronic illness and special populations in sport in Russia” will discuss new directions for the development of adaptive sports in the regions of the Russian Federation and issues related to the unification and classification of Paralympic athletes by type of disability or lesions and age categories. Finally, the speech by Prof. Dr. Kele Ding, PhD, MD. on “Coordination and implementation of a global collaborative research project: the PACs study” will provide the audience with the experiences and insights of organizing an international collaboration research study, and a roadmap for future global partnerships to contribute to the sustainable development of the global community.

  • Prof. Dr. Erika ZEMKOVÁ (Chair)

    Department of Biological and Medical Sciences
    Faculty of Physical Education and Sport
    Comenius University in Bratislava
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Garry KUAN

    Exercise and Sports Science Programme
    Universiti Sains Malaysia
  • Dr. Daga MAKAZA

    Senior Lecturer and Department Chairperson
    Department of Sports Science and Coaching
    Faculty of Applied Science
    National University of Science and Technology
  • Prof. Dr. Gao-Xia WEI

    CAS Key Laboratory of Behavioral Science
    Institute of Psychology
    Department of Psychology
    University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gushchina YULIA

    Co-Founder, BRICSCESS
    Department of General and Clinical Pharmacology
    Deputy Director for International Affairs
    Institute of Medicine of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
  • Prof. Dr. Kele DING, PhD, MD

    Health Education and Promotion
    School of Health Sciences
    Kent State University
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