to infuse the intelligence and skills of our professional experts and implement them into the communities for the benefit of mankind

The 10th edition of the APCESS conference at Kaifeng is historical as it marks the 10th anniversary of APCESS conferences and joins the ranks of the many successful organized conferences listed below.

1st APCESS 2001

Seoul National University, Korea

“The New Perspective of Exercise & Sports Science for the Better Life in the 21st Century”

2ndAPCESS 2005

University of Philippines-Diliman, Philippines

“Sport in Society and Asian Perspectives in the 21st Century”

3rd APCESS 2007

University of Hiroshima, Japan

“Asian Harmony of Exercise and Sports Sciences”

4th APCESS 2009

Universiti Sans Malaysia, Malaysia

Integration of Exercise and Sports Sciences, Physical Activity, and Training for Sports Performance and Health”

5th APCESS 2011

Shanghai Sports University, China

“Better City, Better Life Through Active Healthy Lifestyles and Sports Science”

6th APCESS 2013

Chinese Culture University, Taiwan

“Caring for the Future Generation: A Holistic Approach Leading towards Health and Active Living”

7thAPCESS 2015

Manav Rachna International University, India

“Interdisciplinary Applied Approach to Health and Performance Enhancement through Sports Science”

8th APCESS 2017

Kasetsart University, Thailand

“Innovation and Healthy Living for Sustainability”

9th APCESS 2019

University of the Philippines, Philippines

“Stronger and Healthier ASEAN through Sports Science”

APCESS   2019

University   of the Philippines, Philippines

Stronger   and Healthier ASEAN through Sports Science

APCESS   2017

Kasetsart   University, Thailand

Innovation   and Healthy Living for Sustainability

APCESS   2015

ManavRachna   International University, India

Interdisciplinary   Applied Approach to Health and Performance Enhancement through Sports Science

APCESS   2013

Chinese   Culture University, Taiwan

Caring   for the Future Generation: A Holistic Approach Leading towards Health and   Active Living

APCESS   2011

Shanghai   Sports University, China

Better   City, Better Life Through Active Healthy Lifestyles and Sports Science

APCESS   2009

Universiti   Sans Malaysia, Malaysia

Integration   of Exercise and Sports Sciences, Physical Activity, and Training for Sports   Performance and Health

APCESS   2007

University   of Hiroshima, Japan

Asian   Harmony of Exercise and Sports Sciences

APCESS   2005

University   of Philippines-Diliman, Philippines

Sport in   Society and Asian Perspectives in the 21st Century

APCESS   2001

Seoul   National University, Korea

The New   Perspective of Exercise & Sports Science for the Better Life in the 21st   Century

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