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Distinguished Emeritus Prof.Dr.J<br>Larry DURSTINE

2023-10-13 02:08:48

Distinguished Emeritus Prof. Dr J Larry DURSTINE

Past President, ACSM (2005-2006)

University of South Carolina


Prof. Dr. J. Larry Durstine is a Distinguished Professor Emeritus in the Department of Exercise Science at the University of South Carolina. Dr. Durstine earned his Ph.D. in Exercise Physiology/Biochemistry and Medical Physiology from the University of Toledo and The Medical College of Ohio at Toledo. He has published over 100 referred research manuscripts, has written-edited nine professional books, and written more than 40 book chapters. His primary research area is the evaluation of physical activity, regularly practiced exercise, and the impact of a single exercise session on blood lipid and lipoprotein concentrations. He has also evaluated the relationship between exercise and novel cardiovascular disease risk factors such as C-reactive protein and Lp(a). Throughout his career, Dr. Durstine has sought to better understand the role of physical activity and exercise in the management of chronic disease. For most diseases, daily physical activity or prescribed exercise reduce disease risk by impacting primary disease prevention and secondary disease treatment. Dr. Durstine is committed to daily exercise, ran competitively in high school and college, and continues every day to exercise for “the health of it.”

Reducing Chronic Disease Risk in China and Asia through Sustained Physical Activity and Exercise: What has the Pandemic Caused?

The incident of cardiovascular disease, pulmonary disease, diabetes, obesity, cancer, and kidney disease are increasing globally and are a primary focus of the World Health Organization, especially in Asia and China. As a result of these rising disease rates, greater attention is being paid to comprehensive medical disease management. These diseases extract an enormous economic and public health toll. Daily physical activity and/or prescribed exercise are low cost and positively impact primary disease prevention and secondary disease treatment by providing health benefits such as reduced chronic disease risk. As a result of scientific advancements, daily physical activity and/or prescribed exercise programming has become an essential part of the disease medical management plan, and exercise is presently viewed by health professionals as a medicine. A growing concern is that children are suffering from chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes that once were considered adult diseases, and because these diseases are now being encountered at an earlier age, an unwanted lasting legacy of being unhealthy will follow these youth into their adult life. The purpose of this presentation is to provide information regarding the increasing incidents for chronic adult and childhood diseases, the health benefits of physical activity and exercise, and the need to sustain physical activity and planned exercise across the lifespan in order to reduce chronic diseases globally and in Asia and China. A secondary purpose is presenting information concerning the impact of the pandemic has progress on physical active participation.

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