to infuse the intelligence and skills of our professional experts and implement them into the communities for the benefit of mankind

Prof.Dr.Ming-Kai CHIN

2021-11-02 14:45:03

Prof. Dr. Ming-Kai CHIN

Founder & President, Foundation for Global Community Health (GCH)

Honorary International Advisor of APCESS-2024

Hong Kong-China/USA

Prof. Dr. Ming-kai Chin received his Ph.D. in Exercise Physiology from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA in 1985. Dr. Chin previously served as the Head of Sports Science at the Hong Kong Sports Institute; Head and Principal Lecturer, Department of Physical Education and Sports Science at The Education University of Hong Kong (former Hong Kong Institute of Education); and Professor, School of Kinesiology, Allied Health and Human Services, University of Northern Iowa, USA. Prof. Chin is the Vice President of Global Affairs and Research, HOPSports, Inc., USA (2010-2022). Prof. Chin’s research interests lie in integrated and holistic approaches to promote active living in schools and communities through interdisciplinary approaches. An editor of eight books and author of 200 publications in scientific and sports journals in English and Chinese, Prof. Chin has given 205 keynote and invited presentations, and 90 conference presentations around the globe. A Fellow of AIESEP and Research Consortium of SHAPE America, he is one of the four Founders and Former President of the Asian Council of Exercise and Sports Science (ACESS), and former Editor-in-Chief of the Asian Journal of Exercise & Sports Science (AJESS) (2001-2015). As the senior editor, Prof. Chin co-edited the book Physical Education and Health: Global Perspectives and Best Practice which solicited scholars from 40 countries to contribute chapters concerning new directions for physical education and health in their respective countries. In April 2015, Prof. Chin was awarded the Medal of Manuel Gomes Tubino by FIEP (Fédération Internationale d'Education Physique) for his contribution of global work in physical education. He is the Co-Founder and Immediate Past-President of the BRICS Council of Exercise & Sports Science (BRICSCESS) and is the Founder and President of The Foundation for Global Community Health (GCH) promoting the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

GCH Model School Network Platform: Connecting WSCC Model and UNSDGs to Supplement the Holistic School Curriculum with international Perspective

The Foundation for Global Community Health (GCH) mission is to improve global community health and wellness by promoting physical, social and emotional health, and safety through dissemination of scientific evidence combined with culturally relevant customs for school-based intervention strategies. This presentation uses current GCH projects designed to connect schools via the “GCH Model School Network” (GCHMSN). This network combines programs from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Whole School - Whole Community - Whole Child model (WSCC) and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). This presentation also establishes the importance for using local evidence-based knowledge and customs for adapting physical activity, dance, sport, nutrition, social and emotional education, healthy living practices, and games unique to each community to better promote greater community engagement. GCHMSN is used to showcase and share these locally adapted practices while creating a powerful global platform producing a better environment for well-being immersed in fun and unifying all WSCC/SDG community stakeholders. Schools are facilities best utilized as the foundation for global health and provide one of the leading solutions for promoting future well-being. Utilizing the United Nations SDGs, games are developed and adapted from educational material according to local students' learning needs as indicated by student response to questions, tasks, and experiences. GCHMSN allows for student involvement in creating and shared learning for greater mastery and retention of knowledge and skills. The concept that one-size does not fit all is particularly important when promoting health and learning strategies. GCHMSN provides a unique evidence-based platform for school districts, professional associations, and community organizations to collect, create, and share knowledge reflecting local cultures and initiatives.

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